Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tina Wang

Name: Tina Wang

Location: Orange County, CA

Job Position: ... Student (3D art, environments for games)

Current Employer: n/a

What are some things you have worked on: A couple game mods.

What is the process you go through in doing your art, as well as the types of tools you use: Lately I've been working completely digitally--I roughly sketch out various ideas until I find one that particularly strikes me, clean up, then color. I don't concept enough to have any specific set methods, so I'm just trying out various things! Painter feels more natural and loose, but I often use Photoshop for finishing up and those super large resolutions.

What inspired you to become an artist: When deciding on what college to attend, I finally realized how fulfilling it was to be able to put in time and effort and have a tangible piece of art as the product... and that I should probably do it for a living. I've always loved art and video games, so this is the perfect union! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">

What is your most favorite subject to draw/why: I can't help but love fantasy and magical things. :<

Any tips you can give: Keep experimenting, don't get comfortable with one method just because you're finding yourself successful with it--you'll stop growing.

Favorite Artists: Frazetta is my first love.

Favorite Animated Movie: The Incredibles... and... all of them.

Hobbies: reading, playing games, watching movies, hiking, athletic-y things, anything with friends!