Friday, June 26, 2009

Harley Dwortz

Name: Harley Dwortz

Location: Orange County

Job Position: Animator

Current Employer: Freelance

What are some things you have worked on: Aliens RPG, Alpha Protocol

What is the process you go through in doing your art, as well as the types of tools you use: For 2D art work and animation alike, I like to spend as much time as possible looking at reference and finding inspiration to contribute to a good idea. I then use my pencils to sketch out a "blocking pass," then throw everything into Photoshop / Maya to bring it all to life.

What inspired you to become an artist: I was always transfixed by the Disney films that were coming out when I was a kid (Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King ), I have always had a wayward pencil in my hand, and I have always wanted to be the gal behind the scenes in the movies.

What is your most favorite subject to draw/why: Animals, because they are so remarkable in their variety of shapes, colors, movements, etc.

Any tips you can give: Don't half step anything or you will never be satisfied with your life or yourself

Favorite Artists: Bill Pete, Andreas Deja, Glen Keane, Tex Avery, Chuck Jones...

Favorite Animated Movie: do I have to answer this question? I love so many, Lion King and Finding Nemo to name a few

Hobbies: Being outdoors, being creative, exercise, social drinking /dancing