Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Name: Michaela Clisson

Location: So cal

Job Position: digital artist

Current Employer(s): currently freelancing

What are some things you have worked on: a couple cell phone games including Rock Revolution and Popple

What is the process you go through in doing your art, as well as the types of tools you use: I usually try out a new process every time i start something, whether or not that is good, i dunno, but i like the different results i get. My main tool is photoshop, though i have used art rage and alchemy a lil bit...sometimes ill grab a pen and just sketch but mostly im a digital girl these days.

What inspired you to become an artist: My first set of crayons, i got them when i was 3

What is your most favorite subject to draw/why: Fantasy...because its awesome

Any tips you can give: Draw, just draw. All the time. Take classes. Learn from other artists. Network

Favorite Artists: Marc Brunet, Dan LuVisi, Elda The, Fealasy, klar, kalamu, loish, ...etc

Favorite Animated Movie: Anything Miyazaki

Hobbies: Fishing, arting, sleeping, gaming, hiking, reading...etc


  1. love your use of colors (as usual)! is it potato? or is it a one-eyed hairy alien? ;)

  2. one-eyed hairy alien for sure ;)

  3. sweet awesomeness! I love your use of hair, of eye!
